Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Unfourtunately as part of my university degree , we were forced to go to Howletts zoo today... ;)

Armed only with my shoddy mobile camera, I apologise in advance for the lack of quality of the pictures - however after degrading andinflicting the shame of posing for pictures on the animals, I feel it is only fair to make them 'famous'...


This little guy is my new best friend, whenever he saw me he would come swinging over to wherever I was standing and posed. I was quite fascinated with his feet although I didn't get them in the shot, his 'index finger' is joined at the base with his 'middle finger'.

Here he is again staring right at me, and partly because I am so short and partly because I was standind to the side, I couldn't see my phone screen - so it was pot luck whether I got it or not.
Thankfully I did, and this is undoubtedly the best picture of a gibbon I have, and it really made my day.


This elephant just looked so forlorn that I couldn't take my eyes off of him/her. He/she had the sort of look that would tug at the heart strings of even the cruellest poacher. If only animals could talk because there was so much understanding and knowledge in his/her eyes and I could have looked at them for a lifetime; I just wanted to give him a big hug. Unfourtunately the resolution of the camera is too low to have paid this beautiful animal any credit - so you will just have to take my word for it. But I took the picture because I don't want to forget him/her.


I felt really sorry for this big guy, there was some idiot who kept smiling at him and he was getting more and more agitated. He was thumping around the cage and 'smiling' back at the man, who therefore encouraged his children to "smile back at the monkey". Now 'monkeys' espcially gorillas see smiling as a form of aggression.
And this was despite the little bunch of us that were there at the same time reminding each other to not show our teeth, this man chose to ignore us . After all we are merely children and therefore do not know as much as the great adult.
The big guys response to this was then to walk up to cage as close as he could to this man and when he thumped the bars and they held, he promptly turned round and 'marked his territory' much to the amusement of the kids around. Thankfully I got this pic before idiot arrived.

The big guy got so agitated by the imbecile 'smiling', calling, and pointing at one point that he actually called the baby to him to protect him from him. This is the little guy runnig to him infront of his mum/aunty, sadly the pic of him peeking round the corner looking like a naughty toddler consists purely of arm of idiot who nearly got me in the head.


Once again sorry for the shoddiness, I shall be venturing back with my real camera at somepoint in the near future.

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Blogger banana said...

did you see on the news that their release program for apes in the Congo Republic is doing well and they've had baby apes too :-)

1:01 PM  
Blogger banana said...

have you been on safari at longleat or port lympe zoo?

2:56 PM  

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