Tuesday, March 20, 2007


What a thoroughly enjoyable weekend :)
My second time on a plane and my first holiday to mallorca.
The best bit about being there in March is that it's not too hot, well it was hot for me, others were wearing jumpers - wimps!

I discovered many new things to love, the one I brought back being heaven in a cup that is pretty much just melted chocolate in a cup *contented sigh*

Well here is a selection of pics, others will be up elsewhere I have no doubt.

Beatriz orchidOne of Beatriz's *beautiful* orchids

BleanD Moof(my guides for the weekend, aren't they sexy)

splash12 degrees centigrade - he claimed it would 'wake him up' ;)

an old and gnarled olive treeMe getting up close and personal with the plants.

Pointing on a wall at Randa
aloe vera
names please
figure and stone hoopRanda-land.

And thank you again to the unlucky angels who put up with us from friday to monday and cooking us gorgeous food, it was a lovely holiday :)

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Blogger foo said...

At least you managed to wangle a passport! :-)

1:25 PM  
Blogger mop said...

I already had mine, it was mr I-like-to-keep-mine-washing-machine-clean that had to rush :)

1:45 PM  
Blogger banana said...

nice to see you finally got to Spain, well the islands. Hands of the plants their gorgeus and its my thing ;p nice pics, hang on you never took photos either once. I must have been a bad influence :p

3:38 PM  
Blogger banana said...

would you like me to name your plants?

12:36 PM  

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